Knights Athletics
Northwest High school
Northwest Boosters Association
Sign up for the Northwest Boosters Association Golf Outing
6.0 months ago
Dear Northwest Community Members and Business Partners,
My name is Kevin Wilhelm. Myself and Brandon Schon are contacting you on behalf of the Northwest Booster Association. The Northwest Booster Association is hosting its annual Golf Outing on July 21, 2024 at Pebble Creek Golf Course. Proceeds from this event go to fund the Northwest High School Athletic Department which in turn directly impacts students who participate in sports and clubs. This is the only major fundraiser that benefits the Northwest High School Athletic Department. Northwest High School is a Title I school and 50% of our students are considered impoverished. Any donation you can make, whether it be sponsoring a hole, or an item that we can put in a gift basket for our raffle would be greatly appreciated.
Checks can be made out to Northwest Booster Association and mailed to:
Northwest Booster Association
10761 Pippin Road
Cincinnati, Ohio 45231
Attn: Golf Outing Chairperson
Sponsorship Options:
Freshman- ($1-$99) - Shoutout during raffles
Junior Varsity ($100) - Recognized as a cart Sponsor, Shoutout during raffles
Varsity ($200) - Recognized as a Hole Sponsor, Shoutout during raffles
All League ($300) - Recognized as a Hole Sponsor and a Cart Sponsor, Shoutout during raffles
All State ($400) - Recognized as a Hole Sponsor, Cart Sponsor and Two Golfers, Shoutout during raffles
All-American ($500) - Recognized as a Hole Sponsor, Cart Sponsor, Four Golfers plus entry into skins., Shoutout during raffles
If you are willing to make a gift basket donation, please contact us by July 1 and we will make arrangements to have your donation picked up.
Thank you for your consideration in this matter and feel free to contact Kevin Wilhelm 513-387-9064 or Brandon Schon 513-544-1059 with any questions.
Kevin Wilhelm - Assistant Athletic Director
Brandon Schon - Athletic Golf Outing Coordinator